Become a WNOW man today

We would love to see you on the beach, park, bay or at one of our events. It’s free, our only ask is to enter your details below. The important stuff has an asterisk beside it and we really need that, the other stuff is optional but will give us some depth to you that we can use to celebrate things like birthdays.

See you at Sunrise!

Terms and Conditions

The fine print / the important stuff (so the lawyers tell us).

All WNOW events are planned with safety and wellbeing of members in mind. There will be physical activity, though it will be designed to be managed at your own pace.

By registering for and taking part in the WNOW events, you confirm personally, and on behalf of any other participant your register (e.g. where you register a child or another adult), that you are sufficiently physically and medically fit to do so and that you have not been advised otherwise by a doctor. Health is wealth! You should always seek advice from a doctor before taking up a physical pursuit such as this.

As a voluntary organisation, WNOW does not maintain liability or personal accident insurance, and so you acknowledge that you participate at their own risk. WNOW will not be held responsible for any accident suffered, illness, virus or disease contracted, or injury sustained by participants from any cause whatsoever related (directly or indirectly) to the WNOW events. If you feel the need, you should consider personal accident insurance – your private health insurance policy may include this cover, but you will need to check with your insurer. 

Come one, come all!  We love welcoming people of all ages. However, children under the age of 18 years old are the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians and need to be accompanied at all times before, during and after events.

We love our photos!  It’s a great way for us to remember and to promote our events. By registering for an event, you grant us full permission to photograph, record or film you (or anyone you have registered) at the event and to use that media for any legitimate purposes related to the event or to promoting WNOW or our events.  If you do not wish to be caught on camera, no problem! Please let us know.

Finally, we need to collect some of your personal information as part of your registration (e.g. name, date of birth, postcode, address, coffee orders etc). We use this information primarily to monitor the size and demographic of the WNOW group – it’s a diverse bunch! – but also when we partner with other groups for our events. We keep this information in secure files, and will do our best to ensure it is only disclosed to those that will use it for the purpose it was collected – i.e. for WNOW membership and participation in WNOW events. If you have any concerns, please just let us know.